Sweet corn
Green beans
It's always interesting to see what will bear fruit year after year and what won't. Some years are better than others. For example, I've always had enormous luck with tomatoes year after year, typically getting much more than I could ever eat or even give away, but last year I didn't get one single edible tomato from my bushes. It was pitiful. But I have a feeling this year will be better!
Also, for the past two years we've had a strawberry patch in our garden and have been patiently waiting for it to give us some fruit. I'd heard that they can take up to 3 years to give a harvest so we sat back and watched and waited.
It finally paid off this year! We've already picked tons of sweet delicious strawberries. It's such a great feeling to be able to grow your own healthy food and to not have to buy it at the store. I also love that my kids are learning a little bit about healthy eating and gardening.
Here's the harvest from a few days ago, which Jen helped me pick (and eat)....
1 comment:
How I would love to share that harvest! Homegrown is soooo good!
Everything you've grown looks great, including that little 5 year old imp we love so much! :)
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